02.08.2019 • 

"i am going to use a poll i found on the new york times website in my argument." this is an example of what type of fact? a) facts/statistics b) logical reasoning c) information/opinions from experts d) definitions question 2 "i am going to use the story of how i set a goal for myself my junior year of high school and achieved it 10 years later." this is an example of what type of fact? a) extended examples or observations from personal experience or from other sources b) brief examples from other sources c) information/opinions from expert sources (authorities) d) descriptive details question 3 "within my story, i'm going to write about the car ride home after defending my master's project. i will include how i felt and what i heard." this is an example of what type of fact? a) brief personal examples or observations b) descriptive details c) brief examples from other sources d) logical reasoning question 4 "i will discuss these two examples of goal setting and how they differ." this is an example of what type of logical reasoning? a) "if" statements b) compare/contrast c) causes and effectsi can only take this quiz one time

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