14.05.2021 • 

I AM MORE THAN A LABEL OR ( am NOT a label Write an explanation of who you are and how you are more than the labels the world tries to put on you. (This should be at least 200 words long, below you will see an example wrote for you - You can delete my example after you write your own or just push the example down the page, your choice). EXAMPLE: You label me with gay, woman, middle-aged, white, but none of these are the whole of who I am. I am HUMAN, and I bleed the same red blood you do, feel the same emotions and strive for the same goals of love and happiness, and I cry the same tears. You only see our differences, that my heart loves the same gender or that have privilege" for the color of my skin, or the "equipment" I was born with that somehow makes me 'weaker" than you. I did not choose ANY of those pieces of me. They were the genetic lottery numbers / was given in the womb. Why do you try to judge me for things cannot change? Our similarities far outweigh our differences, yet they are all you can see. Can you not see that at the end of the day I want the same things you want and you and I are really just two HUMANS walking similar paths but in different bodies? If nobody ever put a label on melwould simply be someone who wears glasses, who likes hats and jeans and hoodies, who cares about helping others, who loves deeply, who hates failure, who can talk to anyone but generally prefers to be quiet, who values education, who is not very different than you. I am not really angry with you because I know that we label unconsciously but how would we see each other differently if we WOKE UP to our bias and stripped off the labels? We would be free to love who we love, dress how we like, pursue careers that we are good at and not have to worry about what the labels say we should be. (290 words)​

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