02.12.2020 • 

I have a gcl test 4. What did the poet find out about Hell and Heaven?
A. it was in sky
B. it was an imaginary place
C. it doesnt exist
D. it was with god
5. What did the poet realise about adults? A. that they are mature
B. they have to earn money
C. they are not what they seem to be

D. they are cunning
6. Why are the adults not what they seem to be? A. they talk and preach of love but do not act so B. they are very shrewd
C. they are manipulative
D. they are double-faced
7. What did the poet realise about his mind when he lost his childhood?
A. that he can use it whatever way he wants B. that he is very intelligent
C. that he is dumb
D. None of the Above
8. What did the poet conclude about his lost childhood at the end of the poem?
A. it went to another dimension B. It went to some forgotten place C. it moved away with time
D. it shifted to his younger sibling
9. Where could he see his childhood now? A. in an infant's face
B. only in his memories
C. Nowhere
D. in other kids
10. What type of Rhyme Scheme is used in the poem 'Childhood'?
A. full B. blank
C. regular

D. irregular
11. Who is the poet of the poem 'Childhood'? A. Shirley Toulson
B. Walt Whitman
C. Marcus Natten
D. Naipul
12. What is the meaning of the word 'ceased'?
A. starting of something B. come to an end
C. in the middle
D. to chase something
13. What is the opposite of the word 'hidden'? A. open
B. closed
C. partial
D. out
14. According to the poet, adults are
A. Hypocrites
B. Smart
C. Lovable
D. Intelligent and Cunning
15. What did the poet sense about himself when he realised he could use his own mind the way he wants?
A. he sensed that he is as intelligent as his friends
B. he sensed his own individuality and a separate personality C. he sensed that he is very smart

D. he sensed that he could use his mind in creative work
16. What refrain literary device is used in the poem 'Childhood'? A. When did my childhood go?
B. Hell and Heaven
C. Could not be found in Geography D. That’s all I know
17. Antihesis is where two opposite words are used together in a sentence in a poem, where did the poet use it?
A. infant’s face
B. forgotten place C. Hell and Heaven
D. preached of love
18. What is the difference between an adult and a child?
A. they can tell the difference between reality and fantasy
B. there is difference in sense of intelligence C. there is no difference
D.None of the Above
19. Why do adults talk and preach of love but do not act lovingly? A. because they are hypocrites
B. because they are double-faced
C. because they do not want to
D. because they invest in only those whom they find interesting 20. What is the most important thing about being an adult?
A. they have their own thoughts
B. they can earn money
C. they can talk to anyone they want

D. they preach love

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