27.10.2020 • 

I need help with NARRATIVE WRITING ACTIVITY, PART 1 As discussed in the Lesson, you will be writing a fictional short story. Since you learned about setting and plot in this Lesson, you will begin planning these two elements of your narrative. In this activity, you will brainstorm ideas for the plot and setting of your story.

Follow the directions to begin planning your fictional narrative.

First, think about the conflict of your story. Identify the major problem the main character or characters face. Then, consider how the conflict could be resolved.

1) Describe the major conflict of your story.

2) Brainstorm ideas to plan a basic plot for your story. Try to include general details for each element of the plot. You can use ideas from stories you have read or from your own experience, but the plot should be original.

a. exposition –

b. rising action –

c. climax –

d. falling action –

e. resolution –

3) Describe the setting of your story. Include details such as the specific location, season, time of day, and cultural and political climate, if necessary

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