07.09.2021 • 

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms. 1. If I should meet Helen, I (give)her your message.
2. If flowers don’t get any water, they (die)
3. If I (get)a headache, I usually take some aspirins.
4. She will buy the car as long as it (not be)too expensive.
5. If he (come), please tell him that I’ll be back in a few minutes.
6. Suppose you (win)a lot of money, what would you do?
7. If I got up earlier, I (not be)late for work.
8. If I didn’t feel so tired, I (go)out with you.
9. If you (not pass) the exam, would you take it again?
10. If I (be) you, I would apply for the job.
11. I could repair the car if I (have)the right tools.
12. If I (study)hard, I would have passed the exam.
13. If I (not be)busy yesterday, I would have visited you.
14. She (go)to the university if she had had the opportunity.
15. Suppose they had offered her a job, do you think she (take)it?
16. If she hadn’t been ill yesterday, she (go)to work now.
17. If I (be)you, I wouldn’t have told him the truth yesterday.
18. If today were Monday, I (not go)to work yesterday.
19. What would happen if you (not go)to work tomorrow.
20. If I had gone to your party last night, I (be)very tired now.

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