16.02.2021 • 

I've been getting asked this by all of my friends... "What's so special about this guy", well he not just some guy... he's the guy... the one, if you know you know... they ask me "what's different about him"... everything... I spent what felt like a lifetime waiting and dreaming for the one... waiting to find someone who didn't try to put out my fire, but added fuel to my flame, someone who took me with the baggage the skeletons... someone who danced with my demons, and loved me even with my darkside... that's love... love is all consuming, love is breathtaking, love is amazing, love is admiration, love is trust, love is loyalty, love is being able to laugh break down cry argue fight smile, love is torture, love is pain, love is agony, love is breathtaking, love is everything... it's you... it's you baby... my love is you... I love you

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