09.09.2020 • 

I was left alone in the room for M-E-N. I examined it with great care – the smooth enamel bowl with water in the bottom, the wooden lid with a large hole that looked like a horse collar, the small brown box up near the ceiling, the chain hanging from it. Pressed for time I finally decided it was safe enough to try. I buttoned up and looked at the sign, remembering what the clerk had said, making it sound very important. I grabbed the chain with both hands and pulled. A small torrent of water gushed into the bowl, swirling and disappearing down the drain with a deep, sonorous gargle. I waited a few minutes and pulled the chain again. That night I got up several times to go to the toilet, until was ordered to go to sleep. We stayed only one day at the hotel, long enough for me to become acquainted with the bathtub, located in another closet next to the toilet. A rope of water twisted and whirled from a brass faucet, filling the tub. I sat in the cold water up to my neck and discovered that I could slide down the back of the tub and hit the bottom with a great splash. When my water party was interrupted, both the bathroom and I got a scrubbing. —Barrio Boy, Ernesto Galarza Prepare your response by answering the following questions: What will your topic sentence be? What will your supporting detail be?

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