26.05.2020 • 

If you ever happen to come across someone who appears to be unconscious, the most important thing to do before you approach is to make sure the scene is safe. If you place yourself in a dangerous position, then neither you nor the unconscious person will be able to call for help. Once you have determined that it is safe to approach, you must determine if the person truly is unconscious, and if so, call for help. It is best not to leave the person unattended, but if no one else is around to call, you may have to do so. Getting emergency services on the way is crucial for the victim. Once an ambulance has been called, it is time to check the person's airway, see if she is breathing, and determine whether she has a pulse. It is extremely important that you follow these steps in the order in which they are listed, so as to best ensure your safety and secure a positive outcome for the victim.

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