03.02.2021 • 

ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST TO WHOEVER CAN WRITE ME TWO PARAGRAPHS FOR THIS BY THE END OF THE DAY: Now it is time to write about some of the texts you’ve read and studied So far in this unit, you have examined the following works: “I dwell in Possibility,” “Ozymandias,” “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,” “The Charge of the Light Brigade," “The Battle of Blenheim," and “War is Kind.” Select two of these poema and, in a well-developed response of at least two paragraphs of 6-8 sentences, compare and contrast them.

In your first paragraph, compare them. How are they alike?

In your second paragraph, contrast them. How are they different?

Your response must address the following: what the poem means/ what it is about literary point of view the different poetic form elements used (rhyme, rhythm, physical structure, punctuation, capitalization, etc.)

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