14.11.2019 • 

Imade many vows and resolutions that if it would
god to spare my life in this one voyage, if ever i got once
my foot on dry land, i would go directly home to my father,
and never set it into a ship again while i but once
i was safely back on land,) my ill fate pushed me on now
with an obstinacy that nothing could resist; and though i
had several times loud calls from my reason, and my more
composed judgment, to go home, yet i had no power to do
which statement below most clearly represents the theme of this passage?

a. some people apply what they learn from past experiences to
decisions about their future.
b. some people are convinced that bad experiences will not occia
c. some people behave one way when they're in trouble but change

d. some people quickly adapt their behavior to cope with changing situations

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