07.10.2020 • 

Imagine a world where people can know what others are thinking. What conflict would cease to exist in that world? What new conflicts would arise? Write a story about a conflict that exists because it's possible to know

another person's thoughts. Regardless of the conflict you choose, be sure your

narrative includes the following:

-a plot with a beginning, middle, and end

-a clear setting

-characters and dialogue

-a distinct conflict

- a clear theme

This might take you a few days of ELA time to complete, so plan accordingly and be sure to complete each step.

This will be for a major grade.

Remember, you will be submitting the following:

1. prewriting (of your choice, maybe a list of ideas, a bubble chart, whatever helps you draft),

2. a draft (typed or handwritten),

3. revisions to that draft (the revisions can be handwritten on the draft as long as they are clearly revisions, also double check spelling, capitalization, and punctuation),

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