06.05.2020 • 

In the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Francie learns the difference between telling a fib and narrating a story, which is an important lesson that she carries into adulthood. Can you think of a time during your childhood when you learned an important life lesson?


Narrate a sequence of events and communicate its significance to the audience
Complete the checklist below to ensure that you properly and successfully complete the fluency assessment.

Print this project sheet.
Write out the main events in your story. You may use a sequencing graphic organizer or a list to place your events in chronological order. Make sure that your story is thoroughly developed and includes important details.
Review the rubric below so that you understand how you will be assessed.
Prepare to narrate your sequence of events aloud to your teacher. Practice telling your story in chronological order and make sure that all important events are included.
Submit your graphic organizer or list.

Directions: Think of a time during your childhood when you learned an important life lesson. Write down the sequence of events and narrate the events aloud. Make sure you communicate to the audience why your story is important.

What order should writers use to narrate a sequence of events?

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