26.05.2021 • 

Instructions and information 1. PREPARE A SPEECH for an oral assessment.
2. Your oral presentation should be about TWO MINUTES LONG.
3. FOLLOW the instructions carefully
• DO THOROUGH PLANNING and research on your chosen topic,
• The speech must be in paragraph form
The TONE of the speech must be FORMAL
Write a speech which, when read at a moderate pace, lasts at least two minutes.
Marks will be awarded according to the amount of preparation that is evident (mind
map, rough draft and final draft), and presentation of the speech.
Refer to the marking rubric that will be used to assess your prepared
speech/presentation. On the day of the oral assessment, make sure that you have
your cue cards with you.
1. Inventions that have changed the world
2. South Africa - land of my birth
3. The role of men/women in the world
4. A historical figure (e.g. Nelson Mandela) I admire the most
5. Choosing your own topic:
• Choose a subject that is interesting to you. What do you care about? What would you
like to learn more about? Follow your interests, and you will find your own topic.
. Before starting your research, confirm the topic with your teacher.
Be clear about your purpose: do you want to persuade your audience, inform them
about a topic, or just tell an entertaining story?​

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