30.10.2020 • 

Is this a good store to send into your teacher Long ago there was a white polar bear. This polar bear was born white as snow. The father was a black bear and the mother was a white polar bear. This was the first panda in the whole world. They named him Jeff Curry. Then the parents sent him to panda school to learn how to read, write, and eat bamboo. During lunch a whole bunch of white rude bears made fun of him because he was black and white.
“Haha you're black and white! You have a different skin color!” The white bears teased.
“Leave me alone! Or I’ll call the po-po,” said Jeff confidently.
When Jeff went home he called the po-po.
“How may I help you?” The bear PO PO said.
“People keep making fun of me at school because I’m black and white!” Jeff said sobbing.
“I would make fun of you because your black and white too!” The po po said laughing.
“Pshhh, Hang up I’m coming right now.” The po po said laughing.
Then the po po showed up outside Jeff’s house two seconds later. He drove so fast that lightning couldn’t even struck. He kicked down Jeff’s door.
“Now show me where the bad people are.” The po po said.
Then Jeff showed him where the bullies were.
“You snitch!” One of the white bears said.
“You crack head why’d you do that?” Another one said.
“Why are you talking like that I can write a note for you to go to jail!” The po po said as he slapped one of the white bears chest.
Then the small white bear fell on the ground and he started to panic. It cut chest and it busted and all the blood came out and he had to go to the ER. The white bear got stitches and he didn’t go to school for a couple of days. The next day the Polar bears and Jeff went to school. They went to health class and they learned about girls. Then they all went home to make another panda so Jeff wouldn't be so lonely. A few years later Jeff had about a million of his kind. Now their were a million panda’s in the world! That is how panda’s go their color.

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