03.10.2021 • 

Kim by Rudyard Kipling chapter 3

What kind of animal does Kim want to kill in the farmer's field?
2. Why do Kim and the lama stop at every body of water?
3. What does the lama do when he sees a man beating his horse?
4. Who is the man who was beating his horse?

chapter 2
1. Who is frightened of all the noise at the train station?
2. Who gives Kim money for a ticket and food?
3. How does the Englishman pay Kim for delivering the message?
4. According to the Hindu priest, how long will it be until the two men from Kim's prophecy arrive?

Chapter 1
1. What drug was Kim's father addicted to?
2. What does the curator trade with the lama?
3. What kind of animal has been causing the vegetable-seller problems?
4. What does Mahbub Ali ask Kim to deliver?

Chapter 4


1. Who confirms Kim's news of war?

2. What does the lady in the carriage do when Kim tells the guards jokes?

3. Who offers to feed Kim and the lama?

4. How far does the woman want Kim and the lama to join her?

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