25.01.2021 • 

Look at the ten underlined figurative verbs in Text 1C. Explain in your notebook what effect each one creates and why it is

Every night, at exactly eight minutes past nine, it [roars] through the village. I can see it coming several miles away, its powerful headlight [fingering] rails and telegraph wires with a shimmer of light. Silently and slowly it seems to draw nearer; then suddenly, it is almost above me. A wild roar of steam and driving wheels, the wail of its hoarse whistle at the crossing, and then, [looming] black against the night sky, it [smashes] past, and in the swing of drivers and connecting rods I think of a greyhound, or a racehorse [thundering] the final stretch. High in the cab window, a motionless figure peers ahead into the night; suddenly he is blackly [silhouetted] by the glare of the opened fire-door, and in the orange light I can see the fireman swing back and forth as he [feeds] his fire. The light [burns] against the steam and smoke above; then blackness – and now the white windows of the carriages [flicker] past, and through the swirl of dust and smoke I watch the two red lights [sink] down the track.

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