10.10.2019 • 

Love is not all
edna st. vincent millay

love is not all: it is not meat nor drink
nor slumber nor a roof against the rain;
nor yet a floating spar to men that sink
and rise and sink and rise and sink again;
love can not fill the thickened lung with breath,
nor clean the blood, nor set the fractured bone;
yet many a man is making friends with death
even as i speak, for lack of love alone.
it well may be that in a difficult hour,
pinned down by pain and moaning for release,
or nagged by want past resolution’s power,
i might be driven to sell your love for peace,
or trade the memory of this night for food.
it well may be. i do not think i would.

in the first six lines of "love is not all," the speaker says that love is not as important as food, water, shelter, breath, rescue from disaster, or medical treatment. what impact does this statement have?
question 1 options:

it makes the speaker seem selfish for loving material things more than people.

it makes the speaker sound as if she doesn't really love the person addressed.

it makes the speaker sound like a realistic person rather than a romantic one.

it makes the speaker seem old-fashioned for not praising the beloved enough.

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