19.03.2021 • 

Lyric Excerpt I'm that kid on every playground Who's always chosen last A single teenage mother Tryin' to overcome my past You don't have to be my friend But is it too much to ask Don't laugh at me Don't call me names Don't get your pleasure from my pain 8. Which of the following best identifies the topic of this excerpt? RL 7.2 A. Identity B. Bullying C. Advocating 9. Which of the following best captures the theme of the excerpt? RL 7.2 A. It’s hard to be a teenage mother in high school. B. If you don’t like someone, that’s okay. C. Making fun of people may seem harmless, but it is hurtful. 10. Which line(s) best supports your answer to the previous item? RL 7.1 A. “Don’t get your pleasure from my pain” (line 9). B. “A single teenage mother / Trying to overcome my past” (lines 3-4). C. “I’m that kid on every playground / Who’s always chosen last (lines 1 - 2). Read the following and answer the questions below: The Grinding Stone That Ground Flour by Itself Collected by W. H. Barker and Cecelia Sinclair There had been another great famine throughout the land. The villagers looked thin and pale for lack of food. Only one family appeared healthy and well. This was the household of Spider’s cousin, Kofi. Spider was unable to understand this and felt sure his cousin, Kofi, was getting food in some way. The greedy fellow determined to find out the secret. What had happened was this: Kofi, while hunting one morning, had discovered a wonderful stone. The stone lay on the grass in the forest and ground flour of its own accord. Nearby ran a stream of honey. Kofi was delighted. He sat down and had a good meal. Not being a greedy man, he took away with him only enough for his family’s needs. Each morning, he returned to the stone and got sufficient food for that day. In this manner, he and his family kept well and plump, while the surrounding villagers were starved and miserable-looking.

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