21.10.2020 • 

Main Ideas Click on the correct answer.
1. (1) One form of jumping to conclusions is putting words into a speaker's mouth. (2) Because we are so sure of what
others mean or are going to say, we simply don't listen to what they actually say (3) Sometimes we don't even hear them
out (4) Instead of listening, we leap to a meaning that they may not have intended to communicate. (5) Another form of
jumping to conclusions is rejecting others' ideas too early as boring or misguided. (6) We decide that others have nothing
valuable or useful to say. (7) We simply tune out and hear nothing because we decide early on that we can spend our
mental effort in a better way.
The implied main idea of the selection is
a. We "tune out" in several ways.
W h
b. For several reasons, we might find it difficult to listen to others.
C. There is more than one way to jump to conclusions.
d. Communication problems are common in relationships.

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