24.09.2019 • 

Match each sentence to the correct vocabulary word. each word is only used once and every word is used. when he discovered that certain students in his class always received higher grades, marlon that his teacher was showing favoritism. on nights when the talk show host was not the viewers responded with little enthusiasm. rather than my dinner guests, the tea i gave them seemed to sap their remaining strength. when the architect described the "home of the future," he emphasized details like the sink that made washing dishes easier and faster. when cynthia for a bigger room, her parents warned her that she was stretching their patience. when the new president entered office, she repealed many of the regulations by the old one. even a(n) shaking was not enough to wake allen in the morning. tammy's statements often made the other members of the debate team frustrated. the bomber pilot knew that unless his aim was accurate, his whole mission would be ruined. because it is naturally the cheetah is able to bend and twist its body in mid-stride. we could tell that brandon was back to his old ways when he spent two hundred dollars on wine at dinner. a. invigorate b. reactionary c. ergonomic d. agile e. agitated f. enacted g. surgically h. prodigal i. alleged j. vigorous k. energetic

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