30.10.2020 • 

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ms: Below are the main components of Rumpelstiltskin, Place each component where it belongs on
Diagram by placing its number in the circle.
Once she was Queen, she had a baby that the little man came to get
miller told the King that his daughter could spin straw into gold; therefore, the King asked that she be
rought to the palace and show what she could do.
he little man told her that she had three days to guess his name, or the baby became his
- small man appeared each night and spun her straw into gold in exchange for gifts.
messenger told her the man's name, allowing her to guess it on the third night,
the girl was placed in a room with a spinning wheel and instructed to spin gold by morning or she woul
e killed
e became so angry that he stomped so hard he disappeared deep into the Earth.
fter being told she would become Queen if she spun gold again, she realized that she had nothing to
ffer the little man; however, he agreed to spin the gold in exchange for her first born child,
Falling Action
Rising Action

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