08.12.2020 • 

"Mike, could you please fix the leak in the roof?" Katie asked her husband politely, but he was sick of what felt like his wife nagging him. "I'll get to it when I get to it," he replied brusquely. A small dripdrop of water collected in a cooking pot on the living room floor. The next time it rained, Katie had to use a large bucket. The leak was growing in size. "Mike, I really need you to patch the roof. It is getting worse," Katie warned her husband, but again he was in no mood to take direction. "Do I really need to keep saying this, Katie? I'm tired of working. I want to watch the game. I will patch the leak later," but Mike did not patch the leak and it continued expanding. A few weeks later a torrential rainstorm hit. The water poured through the roof. Some of it damaged the floor. But Mike didn't even seem to notice until the rain fell on his widescreen television. What is the theme?

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