10.02.2021 • 

Modifiers in the paragraph below. Rewrite the paragraph on a Work with a partner to correct misplaced and dangling
og EXERCISE 2 Editing a Paragraph
separate sheet of paper.
While researching famous Americans in the World
War II era, many women's names are evident. ?For
example, Eleanor Roosevelt had many official and
unofficial responsibilities. "Addressing the nation
the day after the Pearl Harbor attack by radio the goal
of Mrs. Roosevelt was to keep up the country's morale.
Frances Perkins nearly held the title of U.S. Secretary
of Labor for twelve years. "Emerging after the war as a
superpower, Perkins's lawmaking efforts helped America
achieve economic success. An African American, Mary
McLeod Bethune urged the War Department as officers
to hire black women. 'I enjoy reading about women like
these who have made history.

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