03.03.2021 • 

Movie review: Ferdinand. Today i will be reviewing Ferdinand. If you haven't watched the movie you might not wanna read this. Ferdinand was a 2017 film by blueskystudios which was based on the book Ferdinand the bull by Munro leaf. Now for the reviewing, Ferdinand is a great movie to let your kids watch The plot is okay with some funny jokes that keep you entertained. As for characters some of them are good but some make me feel like blue sky studios ran out of ideas, for example lupe is a really annoying goat that is what you get when you cross jar jar binks with the billy goats gruff. The animation is really good in some parts of the movie, I mean just look at Angus's hair every single strand
What perfomance gap did this review identify?
A.Adults wont like the movie.
B.The animation is bad.
C.Some of the characters are bad.

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