02.04.2020 • 

My family and I spend summer vacations in Havenport. We stay at Uncle clay and aunt anita's beach house. Ricky my younger brother and I play in the tide pools we look for the creatures that hide between and under the rocks. Out parents watch us from the deck and call out thinks like, "Carefull! Here comes a big wave! And did you put sunscreen on your ears" that's how our days usually go but one day something really unusual happening The best time to look for sea creatures is in the morning ricky carries the bucket and I lifts the rocks. We never keep any of the animals we catch we only look at them for a while and then put them back there is one creature that I will never forget. Ricky saw it first and said "Ted come hear quickly! I ran over to where he was standing I could see long silver claws gripping the side of a rock

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