02.06.2020 • 

Myself as a British Asian. To be British is very much about being a melting pot of different cultures
and backgrounds. That's what I do love about Britain, the fact that there's people from so many different
backgrounds who can share their own cultures, their backgrounds, their attitudes, and we live in a
tolerant society where that is accepted and celebrated. And also what I like is the opportunity Britain givu
you. So through the education system or the welfare system and healthcare and the NHS, people are
generally given a basic level playing field to operate from and then it's up to you through your skills and
your ambitions to make the most of that.
Choose the fourtrue statements (4):
1. Rajeeb thinks being British means having the same background.
2. Rajeeb loves being British.
3. Rajeeb thins only British culture and identity should be allowed.
4 Rajeeb thinks there are many opportunities available in Britain.
5. Rajeeb thinks benefits are bad.
6. Rajeeb thinks benefits should be higher

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