30.01.2021 • 

Name: The Giver and Theme

Rules of the Community
Exploring the Setting of The Giver

Directions: You will close-read various passages from The Giver in order to identify and analyze the different rules of the community in the novel. You will then record all the community rules (including their pros and cons) on the graphic organizer below. An example has been provided.




1. You must share your feelings at dinner.

Helps release negative emotions
Prevents anger, violence, etc. in the community as negative emotions won’t build up and explode
Allows people to brainstorm solutions to problems with others instead of dealing with it alone
People feel better after sharing their feelings
Helps families get closer

The citizens are emotionless robots
The government uses these “therapy sessions” to control the people (i.e., make sure they do not have any dangerous feelings)

2. You must not fly over the community in a plane.

It wouldn’t drive people’s attention
People wouldn’t be curious about how they leave the community
It wouldn’t make a lot of commotion
People wouldn’t be frightened

People would be scared of the plane
It’s getting everyone’s attention

3. You cannot speak rudely to anyone.

No one would be embarrassed
They would be able to make great friendship
There would be no arguments
Everyone would be caring for one another

People would making

4. You cannot take snack food from the recreation area.

5. You cannot brag about accomplishments.

6. You cannot look at one another’s unclothedness.





Reflection Questions:

What do all these rules have in common? What is their overall purpose in the community?

Do you think these rules create a utopia or a dystopia? Why?

What do we learn about Father’s relationship with the rules in Chapter 2? Given our discussion on the community rules, how would you describe his personality? What do you think might happen to him later on the novel as a result?

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