15.02.2021 • 

Nature vs. Nurture Psychologists have long debated whether nature (the effects of genetics) or nurture (the effects of environment) plays a bigger role in the development of a human personality. The major question remains: which has a greater effect on one's personality, nature or nurture?

In a well-developed essay, present your stance on this issue. Use evidence from research to defend your position.

As you write, remember your essay will be scored based on how well you:

develop a multi-paragraph response to the assigned topic that clearly communicates your thesis to the audience.
support your thesis with meaningful examples, information, and references for the text.
address the readers' concerns, opposing viewpoints, or counterarguments.
organize your essay in a clear and logical manner, including an introduction, body, and conclusion.
use well-structured sentences and language that are appropriate for your audience.
edit your work to conform to the conventions of standard American English.

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