02.05.2021 • 

NEED A CLINCHER I need a clincher that should make the reader think after reading my argumentative essay. The text below is of the full concluding paragraph but the clincher is the last sentence. Before the technology advances to put self-driving cars on the roads, banning these ferocious vehicles should occur because of dangers, unemployment, and uninviting experiences. The crash ratings for self-driving cars are over twice as much as attentive driver vehicles, even though the number of driverless vehicles is among the few thousand roads today. Millions of people around the world would be jobless when autonomous cars take over the transportation industry. Self-driving cars will get bad reputations when most of the reviews are about the passengers' motion sickness on the ride. Banning these cars may have been a struggle in the past, but the new statistics and experiment results are raiding the media in the hope for the prevention of an unsafe society.

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