24.06.2019 • 

Needread jfk's "city on the hill" speech and answer the following questions. what is the historical occasion for the speech? how does the event present an opportunity for persuasion? how does the author create ethos or personal credibility? how does the reputation of the author convey authority? what is the overall argument the author presents? what is the author's purpose in the speech? to inform? to persuade? to criticize? who is the intended audience of the speech? what assumptions does the author make about the values of the audience? how does the intended audience influence the tone of the speech? how does the author arrange the ideas? how does the organization of the text fulfill the author's purpose? how does the author appeal to logic and reason (logos) or emotion (pathos)? what kinds of evidence—facts, anecdotes, analogies, allusions—does the author use? how does the supporting evidence fulfill the purpose of the text? does the speech succeed in fulfilling the author's purpose or intentions? what do the speech and the author's chosen strategies reveal about the culture that produced it?

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