09.03.2021 • 

Noah had not expected to be so nervous on his first day, but his hands trembled as he drove down the highway. He looked down to the see the nametag in his lap. Yup, this is definitely real, Noah thought. Noah had completed what seemed like thousands of applications over the past few months, and he had waited anxiously by the phone for someone to call him back. Noah’s mom joked that he had worn a permanent spot in their couch from sitting there so long.
It seemed awfully early, with the sun just rising above the gigantic pines that lined the road. Of course, it was a Saturday, and Noah was usually not awake before noon. He put on his sunglasses to guard against the glare, and switched on the radio to calm his nerves. He sang along for a few minutes thinking about his interview the week before. Noah was supposed to see a manager named Timothy today so that he could fill out more paperwork, and then Noah hoped he would be able to start working.
He remembered what the teacher in his career class had said about the responsibility of a first job. Noah knew that his performance would be important to people who wanted to hire him later, and he was determined to do his best. Noah pulled into a parking lot in front of the two-story building. Now, his hands began to sweat as well as tremble, and his heart thudded in his ears as he got out of the car and headed toward the store. Noah clipped the nametag onto his shirt pocket and then opened the glass door.
The store was not filled with customers yet, and a “CLOSED” sign still hung on the door. Noah was relieved that he would not be tossed into the middle of things right away. He wandered toward the customer service desk, unsure of where he could find Timothy. Several employees stood at the tops of ladders placing books into the high shelves near the ceiling. Good thing I’m not afraid of heights, Noah thought. He reached the customer service desk in the center of the first floor and waited for a moment, one hand fidgeting with his nametag. From the corner of his eye, Noah spotted someone hurrying toward him, and he turned to see a man whose nametag said “Timothy.”
“Hi, I’m Noah,” Noah said, extending his hand.
Timothy shook Noah’s hand firmly. “Hi, Noah, it’s good to see you,” Timothy replied brightly. “Are you ready to start?”
Noah smiled. “Sure!”
Timothy disappeared behind the counter at the customer service desk and came up with a stack of forms and a pen. “Fill these out, and when you’re finished, I’ll show you around.”
Noah filled the forms out quickly with all the basic information: name, birth date, and phone number. He handed the forms back to Timothy, who put them in a folder and slid it under the counter.
They walked up and down the aisles stuffed with books with Timothy pointing out each section along the way, and Noah found out that they both liked to read about history. As Timothy explained how to use the cash register, Noah knew he had found the perfect job.
Which sentence from the story best shows that it is set in a bookstore?
"He wandered toward the customer service desk, unsure of where he could find Timothy."
"Several employees stood at the tops of ladders placing books into the high shelves near the ceiling."
"As Timothy explained how to use the cash register, Noah knew he had found the perfect job."
"Noah clipped the nametag onto his shirt pocket and then opened the glass door."

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