25.02.2020 • 

Noah reads the following paragraph on an art gallery website:
In the early 1900s, Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque pioneered a new visual artistic style called cubism. In cubist paintings, the subjects don’t look like the objects we see every day, with curving lines, shadows, and three-dimensionality. Instead, the subjects appear fractured, their surfaces turned into two-dimensional geometric shapes that look like the facets of a diamond. Common cubist subjects included still lifes and portraits.
Which sentence provides an objective summary of the paragraph?

A. Cubist art most commonly portrayed still lifes and portraits.

B. Pablo Picasso invented cubism in the early 1900s with the help of Georges Braque.

C. Cubism was a ridiculous style of art that turned realistic objects into a mess of random shapes.

D. Cubism was a style of visual art that portrayed subjects as fragmented, two-dimensional images.

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