14.12.2021 • 

Note making on the following paragraph No film maker, working in the advanced stage of the cinema's
development, can deny that he has learned from past masters,
or even present ones. But what one really absorbs from
other film makers are the externals of technique. The lighting
of a particular closed-up that sticks in the mind, the placing
of the camera for a particular grouping, cutting back and
forth from face to face in scene of dialogue--all these one
may notice and store up at the back of one's mind--just as
a writer would note a striking turn of phrase in another
writer. But what one notes and admires particularly in
a director is his attitude-the reflection of the man
himself and his sympathies that puts a distinctive stamp on
his work-on his chosen theme as well as on the manner of
its unfolding.

Note making on the following paragraph

No film maker, working in the advanced stage of the cinema

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