25.01.2022 • 

Opinion: Definition of systemic racism in sociology The following evidence was gathered to support the idea that systemic racism makes it difficult for people of color to combat discrimination and oppression.

As a theory, it is premised on the research-supported claim that the United States was founded as a racist society, that racism is thus embedded in all social institutions, structures and social relations within our society.
Undeserved impoverishment also results from POC being forced into unfavorable mortgage rates, being channeled by unequal opportunities for education into low-wage jobs and being paid less than white people for doing the same jobs.
This leads to a serious and well-documented problem of routine discrimination in all areas of life, and the frequent dehumanization and marginalization of POC, including hate crimes, which serves to alienate them from society and hurt their overall life chances.
What additional piece of evidence helps create the MOST COMPLETE argument that systemic racism makes it difficult for people of color to combat discrimination and oppression?

There is no more telling proof of the undeserved impoverishment of POC and the undeserved enrichment of white people than the massive difference in average wealth of white versus black and Latino families.
For this reason, it is important that the public hold white elites accountable for combating racism and fostering equality.
The white backlash that typically follows resistance, like countering "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" or "Blue Lives Matter," does the work of limiting the effects of resistance and maintaining a racist system.
Feagin's theory, and all of the research he and many other social scientists have conducted over 100 years, illustrates that racism is in fact built into the foundation of U.S. society and that it has over time come to infuse all aspects of it.

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