26.10.2020 • 

P BE QUICKKK ITS TIMEDDD Read the passage from "Arachne and Athena" Part 2.

Athena was pleased with her own work. She looked at Arachne’s cloth. "The girl does have skill,” she thought. Then she took a closer look at the scenes that Arachne had made.

A great howl filled the house. "How dare you?” Athena screamed as she grabbed Arachne’s cloth and ripped it to shreds. "You wicked, wicked human!” she shouted as she smashed Arachne’s loom into tiny pieces. Then she took her spear and pointed it at the girl.

Arachne was no longer full of pride. She was full of fright. She stood shaking in her shoes as she begged Athena to spare her life.

Which line from the passage should a reader use to check the prediction that Arachne will lose the contest?

Athena was pleased with her own work.
Then she took a closer look at the scenes that Arachne had made.
A great howl filled the house.
She stood shaking in her shoes as she begged Athena to spare her life.

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