19.11.2020 • 

Part A Choosing a Topic
To begin preparing a presentation, start by considering the topic. For this activity, you will select any topic connected to this unit and create a
persuasive e presentation. For example, you could choose a topic about postmodern literature or Beat poetry, such as these examples:
• Motif became one of the most important elements of postmodern narratives, such as In John Updike's "The Brown Chest."
• Beat poetry emerged from the need to amend social injustices in society.
You can select any topic connected to the unit. Make sure to pick a topic that you find Interesting and wish to learn more about. Choose a position
on the topic. Your presentation should persuade your audience about your viewpoint.
As you select your topic, consider two important aspects of any public speaking opportunity: purpose and audience. Make sure you have a firm
understanding of why and to whom you will be presenting. This information will help determine your topic and the tone of your speech.
Obviously, a presentation on marine life would not be appropriate for an assignment on tragic heroes in your literature class, nor would it be
appropriate for a group of experienced marine biologists who already know its contents.
Type your chosen topic and notes about your position on the topic in the space provided.

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