08.02.2021 • 

Part A Which sentence best describes Sam’s response to the change of season in the chapters?
a. Sam makes a decision to try food he has never thought of eating before.
b. The changing of the season brings on new sensations for Sam to experience.
c. Sam takes a cue from the animals around him and begins his own preparations for winter.
d. Sam uses the time to relax and enjoy the natural world before the snows begin to keep him inside.

Part B
What two pieces of evidence from the both chapters best support the answer to part A? a. “And I, Sam Gribley, felt just wonderful, just wonderful.” (paragraph 5, “The Autumn Provides Food and Loneliness”)
b. “I think the field cricket would taste excellent if you were starving. I was not starving, so I preferred to listen to them.” (paragraph 7, “The Autumn Provides Food and Loneliness”)
c. “The Baron was getting a new suit for winter. I must have one too.” (paragraph 12, “The Autumn Provides Food and Loneliness”)
d. “I gathered what apples I could, cut some in slices, and dried them on the boulder in the sun. Some I put in the storeroom tree to eat right away.” (paragraph 5, “We All Learn About Halloween”)
e. “This food was an invitation to the squirrels, foxes, raccoons, opossums, even the birds that lived around me to come have a party.” (paragraph 12, “We All Learn About Halloween”)
f. “‘The winds are cool, the stars are like electric light bulbs. I am just inside the doorway, with my turtle-shell lamp burning so that I can see to write this.’” (paragraph 18, “We All Learn About Halloween”)

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