21.04.2021 • 

PART B: Which later quote from the story confirms your answer to Part A? A “Theseus walked carefully through the dark, foul-smelling passages of the labyrinth, expecting at any moment to come face-to-face with the creature.” ( Paragraph 19) B “He was picked up between the Minotaur’s horns and tossed high into the air. When he landed on the hard cold stone, he felt the animal’s huge hooves come down on his chest.” ( Paragraph 20) C “As the Minotaur bellowed in his ear and grabbed at him with its hairy arms, Theseus found a strength which he did not know he possessed.” ( Paragraph 21) D “Theseus felt all over the floor in the pitch darkness and kept thinking he had found it, only to realize that all he had was a long wiry hair from the Minotaur.” ( Paragraph 23)

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