10.04.2020 • 

PART B: Which quote from the story best supports the answer to Part A? A “Uncle Matt and Dr. Vincent had, on the iMac, on their own (not wanting to bother me) drawn up what they called a Three-Point Emergency Plan” ( Paragraph 80) B “Then Uncle Matt held up the bow… and said: All of this may seem confusing but it is not confusing if we remember that it is all about This, simply This, about honoring This, preventing This.” ( Paragraph 87) C “God there is so much I don’t remember about that night but one thing I do remember is, as I brought her in, one of her little clogs thunked off onto the linoleum” ( Paragraph 94) D “What I’m saying is, with no dogs and no cats, the chance that another father would have to carry his animal-murdered child into their home” ( Paragraph 95)

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