18.03.2021 • 

Part I: Narrative Chain Choose a subject area that you are currently studying. Be sure to identify what subject you are choosing. Create an original narrative chain on a topic in that subject area. Try to choose a topic that you are working on right now or have recently worked on. Be sure to identify the topic and what specific information you are learning in your narrative chain. Include 5–10 specific items to link in your narrative chain. Include physical movements in your narrative chain, like the video example in the lesson, or images, like the first four presidents example.

Your narrative chain must be original. In other words, you must create it yourself.

Once you have created your narrative chain, you have several options to display your learning. Choices include but are not limited to:

A photo essay that includes a photo and text on each slide or page, and tells a complete story
A video of you performing your power pegs
A digital story with graphics and audio of your power pegs
A presentation that includes graphics
Other ideas you may have for displaying your learning
just do a paragraph

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