16.12.2020 • 

Part IV Completing the Sentences (20 points) Directions: Using the words from the word bank, fill in the vocabulary word that best fits the context of the sentence.
Malleable Soporific Gesticulate Bucolic Nonchalant
Discreet Anarchy Strident Ludacris
Induce Discrete Convivial

He drank in the sights and sounds of the world around him and for the first time in days felt relaxed.
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Uranium is a white metal, which is pretty hard, though softer than steel.
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After an extremely weekend, the Monday morning alarm call came early.
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The song opens with a guitar, a clarion call that lets everyone know that something new is coming.
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Some people during their conversations without realizing it. It can be very fascinating to watch.
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Our attempts to Charlie by pressuring him to apply to the same college as we had failed, because he wanted a college closer to home.
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In times of crisis, police officers must appear while helping upset citizens.
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The professor’s boring speech had everyone in the audience yawning.
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The alternator, valves, air intake, and oil filter are all parts of a car.
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In hopes of being , many celebrities wear sunglasses when out in public.
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