27.01.2021 • 

Passage 1 Passage 2
Which idea would be a source of
disagreement between the authors of BOTH
The Importance
of the Printing Press
An important technology can have wide-
ranging effects on people's lives.
Computer technology has fundamentally
altered the way people communicate.
Without a doubt, the invention of the
printing press in the fifteenth century was
the most influential technological
innovation in history. The printing press
replaced carved wooden blocks with
moveable metal type. As a result, printing
books became much faster, cheaper,
and easier. Books became widely
available and affordable in a way that
they had never been before.
As technology changes over time, it becomes
available to more people.
As information becomes more easily
available, people are able to learn more.
With books more accessible, people had
more reason to learn to read. Literacy
2 3

Passage 1

Passage 2
Which idea would be a source of
disagreement between the authors of BOTH

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