23.11.2020 • 

[ pizza is served in many school cafeterias in the united states on a daily basis. But it is accually still relativly new to the country. Pizza dirst arrived in the united states with italian immigrants during the laye 1800s. It was popular in cities that had large concentration of citizens that had italian roots. It remained reletivly unpopular nationally for several decades untill the end of world war ll. Many american soldiers that had been stationed in italy during the war enjoyed eating pizza on a regular basis there and when they returned to the united states. They wanted to continue to have access to it. Pizza then enjoyed a boost in popularity and soon went from being a food primary consumed by italian immigrants to one of the most popular food in the country.] 1.What is the central idea of the passage?
A. Pizza came to the united states in the late 1800s and was not very popular.
B. Pizza was only popular among italian immigrants.
C. Pizza was introdueced to the U.S. in the kage 1800s and became popular after WWll.
2. What inference can be made about american soldiers in italy during world war ll?
A. They only ate food provided by the military.
B. They ate local food they were unfamiliar with.
C. There was strict rules regarding there diets.
3. Write a quote from the passage that supports your answer to #2

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