18.12.2020 • 

plague \plag\ noun. Etymology: ME plage, from Late Latin plaga, ain to L plangere, to strike, wound. 14th Century. 1: a disastrous evil or affliction: calamity. 2a: an epidemic disease causing a high rate of mortality: pestilence b: a virulent contagious febrile disease that is caused by a bacterium and that occurs in bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic forms, called also black death. 3a: a cause of irritation: nuisance b: a sudden unwelcome outbreak : "a plague of petty crimes". tr v. plague, plaguing, plagues. 1. to pester or annoy persistently or unceasingly. 2. to afflict with, as with a disease, calamity, or supernatural evil. Review the dictionary definition of the word plague. Determine which definition of the word corresponds with the use of plague in the following sentence: The tsunami swept the land like a plague sent by demons. a. n. - 1 b. n. - 2b c. tr v. - 1 d. tr v. - 2

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