28.10.2020 • 

Please can someone help me.... I need this ASAP.... Write a well-developed paragraph (or two) analyzing a section of Dmitri Williams's Los Angeles Times op-ed "Community is the 'Killer App' Missing from Virtual Reality." Instead of focusing on just one rhetorical move, explain how Williams develops his argument through a series of moves. Be sure to include textual evidence and an explanation of the intended effect on Williams's audience.

Please can someone help me.... I need this ASAP....

Write a well-developed paragraph (or two) ana
Please can someone help me.... I need this ASAP....

Write a well-developed paragraph (or two) ana
Please can someone help me.... I need this ASAP....

Write a well-developed paragraph (or two) ana
Please can someone help me.... I need this ASAP....

Write a well-developed paragraph (or two) ana

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