22.01.2022 • 

PLEASE HELP Analyze nonverbal communication

Here is the transcript I can link the vid :(
{Obama speaking at a podium}
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I want people to understand the context of this. This is happening even as
we have instituted a freeze on discretionary spending and sought to make cuts elsewhere in the
budget. So NASA, from the start, several months ago when I issued my budget, was one of the
areas where we didn’t just maintain a freeze but we actually increased funding by $6 billion.

Watch a brief video of President Obama giving a speech. Then, on a separate piece of paper answer the questions about nonverbal communication.

1. Does the speaker keep eye contact with the audience? What is the effect of this?

2.Does the speaker use any facial expressions? What are they?

3. Does the speaker use hand gestures? Name at least two and explain their purpose.

4. What other nonverbal communication do you see? Why does the speaker use this type of none verbal communication?

5. What attitude does the speaker convey to the audience by his nonverbal communication? What do you think is the effect of it?

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