20.10.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP DUE IN 1 HR By the end of the story, Ben and Rose are now in the same location and the same time. The relationship between the two is revealed and deeply connected to a small collection of items: Ben’s locket (pgs. 505-507), the Wonderstruck book (pgs. 515 – 519), and the seashell turtle (pgs. 548 – 549).

For this analytical paragraph, choose ONE of these items and compose a cohesive and thoughtful analytical paragraph that explores the symbolic nature of the object. What does this object represent to Ben? What does this object represent to Rose? How does this object connect the two characters? How is the author using this object to convey a message or lesson to the reader? (It might be helpful to start with your ideas about that last question as your thesis and then use the other questions to support and explain the thematic connection).

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