13.10.2020 • 

Please help! I have a 200 word essay on GC : You will explore the topic of Censorship in the article that will be attached to this assignment (Censorship Article). You will Create a Google Doc and follow the format shown in the MLA Format Google Document shared here on this assignment.
After reading the article on Censorship you will write a 200 word essay based on the following prompt:
"Explain how Censorship can get out of control."
Do NOT copy anything from the article. You must use YOUR OWN words to respond to this essay prompt.
censorship definition: Any attempt to suppress the expression of thought or to alter or restrict information is called censorship. It can be applied to the written or spoken word or to images. Books, newspapers and periodicals, public speeches, paintings, photographs, films, television programs, popular songs, and e-mails have all been targets of censors.
I will literally venmo you $5 if you write me an essay :

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