14.11.2020 • 

‼️PLEASE HELP I WANNA PLAY ON MY PS5 BUT I NEED TO DO THIS PLS HELP‼️ Kevin is reading about flowers for his science fair project.

A close up of a hibiscus flower.

Hibiscus are beautiful flowers with colorful petals that are popular in gardens and used to attract butterflies. In many countries, the petals are boiled to make a tangy and flavorful tea. The hibiscus seeds are contained in tall, dry capsules found in the center of the flower. They are released when the flower is fully grown and the capsules split open.

Which new idea can Kevin form after reading the text and looking at the photograph?

This hibiscus flower will not be used to make tea.
The seeds of this hibiscus have not been released yet.
Hibiscus flowers are a problem for people with allergies.
This hibiscus flower will only grow in a cold climate.


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