31.07.2020 • 

PLEASE HELP M It seems wonderful that so frail and lovely a plant has such power over human hearts. This Calypso meeting happened some forty-five years ago, and it was more memorable and impressive than any of my meetings with human beings excepting, perhaps, Emerson and one or two others. When I was leaving the University, Professor J.D. Butler said, "John, I would like to know what becomes of you, and I wish you would write me, say once a year, so I may keep you in sight." I wrote to the Professor, telling him about this meeting with Calypso, and he sent the letter to an Eastern newspaper [The Boston Recorder] with some comments of his own. These, as far as I know, were the first of my words that appeared in print. Which statement accurately explains what happens in this paragraph? Muir talks with a beloved and wise college professor about his experience. Muir reflects on the powerful experience of finding the Calypso Borealis. Muir remembers an extraordinary meeting he had with Emerson. Muir's writing gets submitted to an Eastern newspaper for publication. I think its C or D/

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